May 28, 2020

Resility Is Using the Science of Resilience to Help People Rebound From COVID-19

Sarah Davidson, CEO and founder of Resility, built an app to teach families the practical skills needed to bounce back from adversity.


Resility Health focuses on “helping families be more resilient in today’s world,” says Davidson, helping them to bounce back from any adversity that life throws at them. We can’t eliminate stress in life, says Davidson, but our “superpower” is our ability to control how we react to that stress.

Resility works in three main areas. The first are their training exercises and stress tracking, handled through the company’s app. Davidson made many of their stress exercises free during the COVID crisis. The second offering is personalized coaching programs, where a professional guides the user through assessing their baseline and choosing a habit-change pathway that is right for them.

Resility has also created a subscription “self-care” box designed to help users build resilience. Read more here.

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