Apr 2, 2019

Resility Featured in StartupHealth News

Brainiacs: 10 Digital Health Innovators Unlocking the Mysteries of the Brain to Improve Health


Our understanding of the brain has come a long way, yet the brain health market remains full of unknowns and ripe with opportunity. Meet the entrepreneurs exploring this new frontier to advance our understanding of health and wellness.

Resility Health

Sarah Davidson, Founder and CEO of Resility Health, is on a mission to eliminate the negative effects of chronic stress on health and wellbeing, and on a company’s bottom line. Chronic stress is an epidemic and costs US employers $300 billion in lost productivity and healthcare costs every year. This cost translates to $7,200 lost per employee. For small employers who want to increase productivity and reduce the costs incurred from employees dealing with chronic stress, Resility delivers digital therapeutic programs that incorporate training exercises, coaching, and biofeedback from wearable sensors, personalized for each individual. The company’s proprietary Resility™ Score measures stress and resilience based on user input and physiological data so users and organizations can track changes over time. To read the full article click here.

Connect with Sarah on StartUp Health HQ, or email resilityhealth@startuphealth.com

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