PS27 Leadership Week
PS27 Leadership Week is now seeking startup founders and their teams to apply to their premier program helping startups become CEOs. Leadership Week takes place November 4th – 7th, 2019 in Jacksonville, Fl. The exclusive 4-day program includes leadership training from subject matter experts, an expenses paid program when you receive a scholarship, 5 night hotel stay, all meals, and program materials.
“This is an intense, weeklong workshop lasting roughly 12 hours a day, for entrepreneurs, founders and owners to step up, stay open minded, and learn something,” said Alex Hatala, 2018 PS27 Leadership Week participant.
The ideal attendee…
The ideal attendee is a founder with 2 or 3 people on their team, a defined product or service, and is generating revenue. During PS27 Leadership Week, founders learn how to better communicate to their team, customers, investors and their community. They also learn how to accelerate the growth of their business.
Real investors and a $10K cash prize…
Startups will be given the opportunity to pitch real investors and win a $10K cash prize at the end of the week. Leadership Week does not end at after 4 days; only the classes do. PS27 continues to give advice and encourage leadership as long as a startup may need – so do the the network of Leadership Week graduates. Learn more about PS27 Leadership Week and apply visit